Chinese New Year - A Timeless Tradition

Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. The date is fixed since ancient times. The actual date of the festival is set and celebrated in different places around China. It is celebrated on the calendar date, which falls on the middle of the Kung Yuen day (or New Year's Day). In ancient times, people used to celebrate the festivities in the spring.

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According to traditional Chinese medicine, the most effective way to increase the energy level and vitality of a person is by means of acupuncture. Acupuncture uses needles that are very thin, which are inserted into various points of the body. This helps to unblock energy pathways. The exact method of how Chinese medicine works is not known.


Chinese New Year is a time for farming and planting. Farmers make plans about what plants they will plant and how. They take time out from their work for this particular activity. Chinese tend to be extremely optimistic and happy during this time.

Chinese New Year - A Timeless Tradition


Chinese people eat fruits and vegetables two to three times a week. They also take mid-day meals. Mid-day meals consist of dishes like boiled egg, char siu, and bao. Fish, meat, poultry, and other animal products are rarely eaten on new year's eve.


Fishing is very important in Chinese culture. People look back to the past when they had been wealthy. Fishing brought them wealth. Hence, on New Year's Eve, they remember the good old times when they were rich and prosperous.


Martial Arts is very popular during Chinese New Year. It is believed that these classes are meant to increase the strength, vigor, and energy. Many people attend these classes to get stronger so that they can protect their family and loved ones from evil. Many Chinese people join the various gangs and join battle with each other. This is to fight against evil.


On the first day of the Chinese New Year, people plant lotus flowers on the doors of their homes and on the trees in the front yard. They believe that by doing this, the spirits of their ancestors will visit them and pay them tribute. Then, they will take care of their families and loved ones. The flowers represent good fortune. They say that if you plant more lotus flowers, then you will be safe and protected from all the evil spirits and animals that may choose to attack you and your family.


Chinese people use fireworks during the Chinese New Year. Fireworks usually mark the beginning of the celebrations. They do not just shoot off sparks from the gun; they use live animals called firecrackers. When the crackles reach the ears of the people in the party, they believe that luck is finally coming to their way.


At the same time, people buy lots of new clothes and decorations for the celebrations. They even buy new computer equipment and cell phones. These things are thought to bring good luck. Then, they decorate their bodies with tattoos. The image of a dragon or an animal is also popular among the Chinese.


Chinese people dress up their bodies with jewelry that represents money and status. Gold and diamonds are considered lucky. They believe that they will have many lovers during the New Year. They think that they will be rich soon after the New Year. If you want to win the heart of a Chinese girl, the best way is to present her with a diamond bracelet.


Chinese people believe that there is an invisible life force or energy that surrounds us. It is called the "qi" and it is said that this energy is what makes us human. The better your diet is, the better you will be at controlling your "qi". A lot of Chinese believe that poor health is caused by bad energy. It is the "qi" that is directing how you feel and what you think. It can be cured if you pay attention to your health.


If you are going to celebrate New Year's in China, make sure that you have a positive attitude. It will really help you if you have a positive outlook in life. If you are not happy with what you have, you should be able to find a solution. Chinese people should learn to let go of negative energy and have faith that it will eventually get better.

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